Tuesday, February 5, 2008

We have started our expedition. We are studying about Australian animals. Each one of us has an animal that we will become an expert on. Here are some of our first drafts.
Hemos empezado nuestra expedicion. Estudiamos sobre animales de Australia. Cada uno de nosotros tenemos un animal del cual seremos expertos. Aqui hay algunos de los primeros borradores.

We are also raising money to help pay for our trip to the capital to visit the only zoo in the country. We need to raise $5000RD and we have $1000RD with only two weeks to go! We are selling snacks at recess time.
Estamos levantando fondos para ayudar a pagar por nuestro viaje a la capital al unico zoologico en el pais. Tenemos que levantar $5000RD y tenemos $1000RD faltando solamente dos semanas. Estamos vendiendo merienda en la hora de recreo.

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