Thursday, June 12, 2008

End of the Year Fin del Año

Today was the last day of school. We recieved our awards and had a water party. It was so much fun. We sure will miss our teacher and friends this summer. See you in August!
Hoy fue el ultimo dia de clases. Recibimos nuestros premios y tuvimos una fiesta de agua. Fue muy divertido! Nos vemos en agosto.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Picking Up Trash Recogiendo Basura

Today we walked to the nearest river, La Posa, to pick up trash.
Hoy fuimos caminando al rio mas cerca, La Posa, para recoger basura.
We also made cards that talked about why we shouldn't throw trash because it ends up in the rivers. We handed them out to the people who live near the river.
Tambien hicimos cartas habalando de como no debemos tirar basura porque llega a los rios. Los entregamos a la gente que viven por el rio.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Cleaning Limpieza

This week is Service Week. Everyday we are doing something to serve others. Today we cleaned our classroom. Keep watching to see what we do each day!
Esta Semana es Semana de Servicio. Cada dia hacemos algo para servir a los demas. Hoy limpiamos nuestro aula. Sigue mirando para ver que hacemos cada dia.

Friday, May 30, 2008

New Classroom Aula Nueva

This week grades 3 through 10 have been doing standardize testing. Sixth grade shares a wall with us. Fifth and Fourth grades are on our other sides. The walls in this building are not sound proof. So we had to have class in the library. "At first it was hard for me to focus" said Josue, "but then I got used to it." Esta semana tercero hasta segundo de bachillerato estuvieron tomando examenes. Sexto grado comparte una pared con nostoros. Quinto y cuarto estan a los otros lados. Las paredes en este edificio pasan mucho sonido. Por eso tuvimos que coger clase en la biblioteca. "Al principio fue dificil concentrar," dijo Josue, "pero despues me acostumbre."

Monday, May 26, 2008

Last few Weeks Ultimas Semanas

We are working really hard to get through the end of the school year. We have two full weeks left of learning and then the last week is Service Week where we will do service projects everyday.
Estamos trabajando duro para terminar el ano escolar. Tenemos dos semana enteras de aprendizaje todavia y despues un Semana de Servicio. Esta es la ultima semana que vamos a pasar haciendo proyectos de servicio todos los dia.
We're almost ready for third grade!!!
Casi estamos listos para tercer grado!!!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Valuable Lessons Lecciones Valorosas

We are learning some very valuable lessons in Second grade. We are learning how to care for things whether they are ours or not. We are also learning to always tell the truth and that writing on anything but paper is not okay.

Estamos aprendiendo algunas lecciones buenas en segundo grado. Estamos aprendiendo como cuidar para todas las cosas, que sean nuestras o no. Estamos aprendiendo decir la verdad siempre y que escribiendo en algo que no es papel no esta bien.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Spelling Bee Competencia de Ortografia

Friday was the spelling bee. Crismeiry, Geremias, Adrian and Josue were all competitors against some of the students from first grade. Josue won first place. It was fun to cheer on our friends.

Viernes fue la competencia de ortografia. Crismiery, Geremias, Adrian y Josue competieron con algunos alumnos de primer grado. Josue gano primer lugar. Fue divertido animar a nuestros amigos.